Introduction to Bitlbee

Quote from Bitlbee homepage

BitlBee brings IM (instant messaging) to IRC clients. It’s a great solution for people who have an IRC client running all the time and don’t want to run an additional MSN/AIM/whatever client.
BitlBee currently supports the following IM networks/protocols: XMPP/Jabber (including Google Talk), MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, AIM and ICQ, and the Twitter microblogging network (plus all other Twitter API compatible services like and

In short, Bitlbee is an IRC server where you can connect to and use it with your IRC clients to connect to other chat services like Yahoo, FB, Gtalk,…

Bitlbee Homepage:

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Emacs is a great text editor, the most wonderful one I’ve been used :D Also it has built-in support for ERC chat client. And now I used it as my chat client instead of Adium and the f**king Yahoo Messenger for Mac.

There are two ways to run a chat client through Bitlbee. First is to connect to a public Bitlbee server, register an account and start using the service. The second method is to setup your private Bitlbee server and connect to it. Of course I choose the second way because I don’t trust the first one. And also you cannot install or config the server if you’re using a public server.

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Jekyll is great! However, it lacks one important thing compare to the other blogging systems. It’s the search function. I’ve implemented a simple Google search box in my jekyll blog. Below are the steps.

Implement a Search box

First, create a file named my_google_search.html in the _includes folder in your jekyll website directory. Add this code to the newly created html file

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Jekyll - Syntax highlighting
  •  28 December 2012
  •  jekyll 

Jekyll is a blog for hacker so of course it must have syntax highlighting. There are several ways to activate syntax highlighting in Jekyll. I’ll show you 2 popular ways that many people use.

1. Highlight.js

This is a very easy way to have syntax highlighting in jekyll because it works automatically. That means you don’t have to do anything. Once you have include highlight.js, it will auto find code blocks, detect language and highlight them for you.

1.1 Advantages:

  • Easy to use
  • Easy to update (just replace the js file or even auto update)
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Anyone of you who have been using Conkeror all know that Conkeror does not have Reopen last Closed Tab function. How painful it is compare to the other browsers! But we can do it by ourself by adding our own code into the .conkerorrc file.

First, we have to create an Array to hold the closed tabs.

var my_closed_buffers = new Array();
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After a while googling for making a list of lastest posts in Jekyll, I finally found the solution. Simply add this code to any page you want the list to appear.

<ul class="posts">
	{% for post in site.posts limit:20 %}
		   <span>{{ | date_to_string }}</span> &raquo;
		   <a href="{{ BASE_PATH }}{{ post.url }}">
		   {{ post.title }}</a>
	{% endfor %}
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Conkeror - Display Tab bar

Note: for those of you who don’t know what Conkeror is, please read this post Conkeror and How it changed the way I surf the web. If you don’t know about the conkeror rc file, please read this post Conkeror Getting Started

If this is the first time you’ve been to Conkeror, you will find it a bit difficult to approach. It does not have the full GUI like the other browsers. Everytime you want to switch to the other buffer, you have to type C-x b, which is very hard for you to imagine which and how many web pages are currently opened. In this post, I’ll show you how to make Conkeror display the tab bar.

Conkeror Tab bar

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Learn Conkeror by using Conkeror ;)

The first time you open Conkeror, it will show you the tutorial. It is the basic thing you need to know to use Conkeror. Moreover, in Conkeror, you can even view all the lists of functions, key bindings, what this key combination do,… So if you get stuck, just open them. Here I will show you how.

Conkeror Tutorial

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Note: before you read, I just want to remind you that Conkeror is not for newbie or non-IT users. It might take you a lot of time to get used to it. So if you are not programmers, please close this article and go back. But once you got used to it, you will feel extremely comfortable and get your work done faster.
Again, if you are not really interested in, read this article Conkeror and how it changed the way I surf the web to be convinced or just leave this page. Don’t just try and give up early and blame me on wasting your time :LOL:.
If you interested in, let’s go!

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