Leetcode: Power of Two

Given an integer n, return true if it is a power of two. Otherwise, return false.

An integer n is a power of two, if there exists an integer x such that n == 2^x.

Example 1:

Input: n = 1
Output: true
Explanation: 20 = 1

Example 2:

Input: n = 16
Output: true
Explanation: 24 = 16

Example 3:

Input: n = 3
Output: false


-231 <= n <= 231 - 1

Follow up: Could you solve it without loops/recursion?

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An example about configuring PubSub BigQuery Subscription with Pulumi

BigQuery Subscription

It’s hard to view the content of the messages that were published to a topic because the application has already processed and acknowledged them before you can do anything. Usually, you have to create another test subscription for the messages to be replicated to and then pull messages from that test subscription. However, the Google PubSub UI doesn’t provide any way to pull specific message by id. The GCloud Console UI is a frustrating UI itself, slow to load and had to pull several times to find the necessary messages.

Google offers BigQuery Subscription, a solution to that issue and also to provide a long term storage for your messages so you can troubleshoot and do complex query later. In this post, I’m going to show a sample BigQuery Subscription workflow with Pulumi.

Configure BigQuery Dataset and Table

First, you need to create a BigQuery Dataset and a BigQuery Table following the schema defined here. You can do it manually on the UI or via Pulumi

BigQuery Dataset

const pubsubDatasetId = `pubsub`;

export const pubsubDataset = new gcp.bigquery.Dataset(
  { datasetId: pubsubDatasetId }

BigQuery Table (a bit messy since the schema has to be defined in JSON string)

export const messageTable = new gcp.bigquery.Table(
    datasetId: pubsubDatasetId,
    tableId: `message-values`,
    // if you don't want other people to accidentally delete is, set to true
    deletionProtection: true,
    schema: `
      "name": "data",
      "type": "STRING",
      "mode": "NULLABLE",
      "description": "The message body"
      "name": "subscription_name",
      "type": "STRING",
      "mode": "NULLABLE",
      "description": ""
      "name": "message_id",
      "type": "STRING",
      "mode": "NULLABLE",
      "description": ""
      "name": "publish_time",
      "type": "TIMESTAMP",
      "mode": "NULLABLE",
      "description": ""
      "name": "attributes",
      "type": "STRING",
      "mode": "NULLABLE",
      "description": "Message attributes as JSON string"
    dependsOn: [pubsubDataset],
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Ok, the story is that, I’m really bad at css. I have never worked on building any frontend component and I was given a task to build the Custom Checkbox component with Reactjs from scratch. Here is how…

1. The basic HTML and CSS

Prepare the structure

Here is how you usually create a checkbox with pure html and css. To avoid any complicated event handler, I will simply wrap the <label> tag around, which allows clicking on any element inside to transfer the event to the corresponding <input> element without any Javascript needed.

<label class="mylabel">
  <input class="myinput" type="checkbox" name="checkbox" />
  <div class="mylabel">Checkbox label</div>
.mylabel {
  display: flex;
  gap: 5px;
  align-items: center;
  margin: 2px;

Try the live example in the below iframe (or direct link)

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just a blog post for summarising my algorithm course

The Problem

Given a data structure organised as a set of N objects, is there a path connecting 2 objects?

// union: connect 2 objects
// connected: whether 2 objects are connected?
union(4, 3);
union(3, 8);
union(6, 5);
union(9, 4);
union(2, 1);

connected(0, 7) return false;
connected(8, 9) return true;

union(5, 0);
union(7, 2);
union(6, 1);
union(1, 0);

connected(0, 7) return true;

Can only answer the question with Yes or No. The Dynamic Connectivity implementation cannot answer the exact path between 2 objects. It can only answer whether there are any paths connecting 2 objects.

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Leetcode: Binary Search

This is so trivial. I just put it here so I can look up faster.

Given an array of integers nums which is sorted in ascending order, and an integer target, write a function to search target in nums. If target exists, then return its index. Otherwise, return -1. You must write an algorithm with O(log n) runtime complexity.

Example 1

Input: nums = [-1,0,3,5,9,12], target = 9
Output: 4
Explanation: 9 exists in nums and its index is 4

Example 2

Input: nums = [-1,0,3,5,9,12], target = 2
Output: -1
Explanation: 2 does not exist in nums so return -1


1 <= nums.length <= 104
-104 < nums[i], target < 104
All the integers in nums are unique.
nums is sorted in ascending order.
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Just an interview question 🙃

The interview question: Re-implement Javascript Promise from scratch. The implementation should support chaining (asynchronously, of course).

Promise API

It has been too long since I started using async/await. I almost forgot these Promise APIs.

Let’s revisit the basic Javascript Promise APIs

const myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 300);

// try catch each one separately
  .then(handleResolvedA, handleRejectedA)
  .then(handleResolvedB, handleRejectedB)
  .then(handleResolvedC, handleRejectedC);

// or catch the first one if any
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Part 2: Refactor a legacy Worker Base - Part 2 - Scope Management

Rewrite the WorkerBase class

After fixing the Scope management problem, it’s time to rewrite the WorkerBase class in a way that the components are loosely coupling, composable and detachable. The solution turned out to be a very simple approach. It’s the middleware design that is very common in popular Web server frameworks (ASP.Net Core, Express.js, Koa.js,…).

In case you don’t know what a middleware is, read ASP.Net Core Middleware.

After analyzing the legacy WorkerBase class, I found that they could be organized into these middlewares

  • Exception handling middleware
  • Logging middleware
  • Message queue behaviors middleware

Worker middlewares

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Part 1: Refactor a legacy Worker Base - Part 1 - The long lasting pain

The refactoring solution I presented in this post is the solution that I wrote in C#. It doesn’t mean you cannot do this in Nodejs. It is just because the team is migrating away from Nodejs to C#. We are familiar with these tools and they are already available as standard pattern in C#.

First thing first: An IOC Container

We learnt this at university. Why the heck did we forget this? Is it because the program language allows us to make this mistake so easily or is it because of the community that encourages the bad behaviors everywhere?

As I mentioned earlier, scope management of the legacy codebase is awful. We actually used a function to surround the scope of a message and the derived class is actually just a collection of function, not a scope container. Every time we want to activate a new method, we have to pass all the parameters downstream.

class WorkerBase {
  async start() {
    let message;
    do {
      message = await pullMessages(1);
      const context = this.buildContext(message);

      // this processMessage function wrap the scope of a message
      await this.processMessage(message, context);
    } while (message != null);

// Worker service 1
class Worker1 extends WorkerBase {
  myProp = 1;

  async processMessage(message, context) {
    logic1(message, context);
    logic2(message, context);

    myProp++; // this will mutate myProp and affect other message

  logic1(message, context) {}

  logic2(message, context) {}

We wrote JS in an OOP way but didn’t apply the OOP best practices!

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Let’s talk about Microservices again!

In order to manage a Microservices system efficiently, people usually enforce all the microservices to follow some common patterns. This helps you standardize the monitoring process and add a new microservice more easily. In the Microservices project that I’m currently working on (at Agency Revolution), we also have to implement a base class for the each different type of microservice. The base class contains the logic to write log in the correct format, to handle some common errors correctly or to alert the developers if something go wrong, etc.

Basically, there are 2 types of Microservices in our system: Synchronous and Asynchronous. I will focus mostly on one type of Async worker in this post: The Message Queue workers. The base class was initially built in Nodejs. After several years of development, we started to face many problems with the design. And now, I’m going to show you how I identified the drawbacks and improved it with a better version in C#.

Why C#? I may explain in another post. But right now, you can take a look at this post first.

How it all began

First, we started with this Inheritance model, the way that most people will think of when they start implementing a Worker base module. We defined a super class that all the workers in the system can derive from. It contains the logic to pull messages from the corresponding queue and activate the main handler function.

// This is Javascript code
// The base class
class WorkerBase {
  constructor(config) { this.queueName = config.queueName; }

  async start() {
    let message;
    do {
      message = await pullMessages(1); // pull 1 message at a time
      await this.processMessage(message);
    } while (message != null);

  // implement this in the derived class
  async processMessage(message) { throw new Error('Not implemented'); }

// Worker service 1
class Worker1 extends WorkerBase {
  constructor() { super({ queueName: 'Worker1' }); }

  async processMessage(message) {
    // implement worker1 logic here

// Worker service 1
class Worker2 extends WorkerBase {
  constructor() { super({ queueName: 'Worker2' }); }

  async processMessage(message) {
    // implement worker2 logic here

// to activate a worker
const worker = new Worker1();
await worker.start();
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Nothing special here. It’s just a blog post for summarising my algorithm learning course. Here are some questions related to Priority Queues.

Related knowledge: Binary Heap & Heapsort Summary - Part 1 - Binary Heap

1. Dynamic median

Design a data type that supports insert in logarithmic time, find-the-median in constant time, and remove-the-median in logarithmic time. If the number of keys in the data type is even, find/remove the lower median.

Solution: Use 2 Sorted Binary Heap

  • The Max heap to store half smaller items
    • No items in the Max heap are bigger than the ones in the Mean heap
  • The Min heap to store the other half
    • No items in the Min heap are smaller than the ones in the Max heap
  • The 2 heap should be equal. That means, the number of item in each heap should be equal or maximum 1 item different than the other one.

You will need these methods

class Median {
    int[] maxHeap;
    int[] minHeap;

    void balance() {...}
    void insert(int) {...}
    int findMedian() {...}
    int removeMedian() {...}
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