1. Introduction
Currently, I’m building a website written entirely in Javascript using NodeJS along with PostgreSQL database server. This series of tutorials is a summary of my experience with NodeJS, PostgreSQL as well as how I solve the problems I encountered. In this first post, I will give an outline of which frameworks, technologies and the list of all following tutorials in this series. The reason why I chose those technologies will be presented in the corresponding post.
2. Frameworks / Technologies
Here is the list of some main frameworks, libraries and technologies that I used for developing the website.
2.1 Database
- PostgreSQL for database system.
- schemup for database migration.
- Sequelize for Object-relational mapping in Nodejs.
2.2 Backend
- Nodejs for backend server.
- Express for web server.
- Passport for authentication.
- bcrypt-nodejs for bcrypt encrypting.
2.3 Front end
- jQuery
- twitter bootstrap
- Browserify for transform Nodejs module to browser.
- React
- d3js for visualizing data.
- Bower for front-end packages manager.
2.4 Others
- i18n-2 for internationalization.
- Gulp for tasks automation.
- nginx for https proxy server. This can be applied for many other kinds of server, not just Nodejs
3. Articles list
- Install and Create basic structure for Nodejs website
- Nodejs - Express with ejs/stylus basics
- Nodejs with Express - More advanced stuff
- Automate Javascript development with Gulp
- NodeJS - Working with PostgreSQL/MySQL/MariaDB/SQLite database using Sequelize
- Browserify - Bring Nodejs modules to browser
- Nodejs - Internationalization in Express with i18n and i18n-2
- Using ES6 Javascript Generator in ES5 supported platforms with Regenerator
- Authentication in NodeJS and ExpressJS with PassportJS
- Updating…
- For some technologies that I listed here (nginx, postgreSQL,…), you can find the posts about them Archive page. I don’t listed them here because they can be used for many other types of application, not just Nodejs
4. Extra for Emacs users
As I’m an Emacs user, I also wrote some articles about setting up the development environment for Javascript on Emacs. You can visit the Emacs category on my blog to search for those tips.