Nothing special here. It’s just a blog post for summarising my algorithm learning course. Although this was already taught in the University, it’s still good to summarise here
1. Stacks
Last In First Out
Linked-list Implementation
Maintain a pointer to the first item of the linked-list. Add or remove are simply to update that pointer.
class Node {
item: string;
next: Node;
constructor(item: string, next: Node) {
this.item = item; = next;
class Stack {
first: Node;
push = (item: string): void => {
const oldFirst = this.first;
this.first = new Node(item, oldFirst);
pop = (): string => {
const item = this.first.item;
this.first =;
return item;
Array Implementation
- Use array
to store N items on stack push()
: add new item ats[N]
: remove item froms[N-1]
Resizing-array Implementation
- Start with array size 1
: double size of array when full and copy all itemspop()
: halve size of array when array is one-quarter full
Amortized time
(average time): constant because we access the item directly in the array, only
slow when double size of array, but we won’t do it very frequently. It happen lgN
One interesting thing I found is that Golang slices
is implemented this way (from what I read from
the Go book), but yeah, I have to check again to make sure because I have never worked with Go yet.
Linked-list implementation
- Every operation takes constant time in the worst case
- Uses extra time and space to deal with the links.
Resizing-array implementation
- Every operation takes constant amortized time
- Less wasted space
Actually, Resizing-array implementation will be helpful a lot in implementing a randomized queue. See below
2. Queues
First In First Out
Linked-list Implementation
Maintain 2 pointers to the first and last items of the linked-list. Enqueue or dequeue are simply to update those pointers
class Node {
item: string;
next: Node;
class Queue {
first: Node;
last: Node;
enqueue = (item: string): void => {
const oldLast = this.last;
this.last = new Node();
this.last.item = item; = null;
if (isEmpty()) this.first = this.last;
else = this.last;
dequeue = (): string => {
const item = this.first.item;
this.first =;
if (isEmpty()) last = null;
return item;
Array Implementation
- Use array q[] to store items in queue
- Use 2 pointers to store the index of head and tail
: add new item atq[tail]
: remove item fromq[head]
- The index can goes out of the array range. Use modulo to get the correct index.
- Apply resizing array like Stack’s Array Implementation
3. Double-Ended Queues - Deques
A double-ended queue or deque (pronounced “deck”) is a generalization of a stack and a queue that supports adding and removing items from either the front or the back of the data structure.
By using a doubly linked-list, we can achieve constant worst-case time for all the Deque operation (including constructor). The sample working implementation can be found here.
4. Randomized Queues
A randomized queue is similar to a stack or queue, except that the item removed is chosen uniformly at random from items in the data structure.
An Resizing-Array implementation supports each randomized queue operation a constant amortized
processing time. The implementation is the same as the Queue’s Resizing Array Implementation.
To enqueue
, we still add new item at q[tail]
. The only difference is the dequeue
method. To
, we will pick a random item in the array, move the last item into that position and return
that random item. The sample working implementation can be found
5. Stack with Max
Stack with Max is another data structure that efficiently supports the stack operations (push and pop) and also a return-the-maximum operation. To implement that, simply use 2 stacks, one to store all the items just like the Stack implementation above, the other one to store the maximum values.
class Node {
item: number;
next: Node;
class MaxStack {
// ...similar to stack implementation
// for maxStack
max: Node;
getMax = (): number => this.max.item;
push = (item: number): void => {
// ...similar to stack implementation
// store max value
if (item > this.getMax()) {
const oldMax = this.max;
this.max = new Node(); = oldMax;
pop = (): number => {
// ...similar to stack implementation
if (tmp === this.getMax()) {
this.max =;
return tmp;