web-mode for PHP coding
PHP code are usually mixed inside HTML markup code. It’s very hard for us to use
only php-mode
to indent both php code and markup code. However, with the help
of web-mode
, an autonomous emacs major-mode for editing web templates, you can
achieve it easily. Here is the comparison pictures between 2 modes.
- php-mode
- web-mode
As you can see from the above pictures, php-mode
can indents only in php code,
not the markup code, which make the file become very ugly and hard to read while
can distinguish between markup block and php block.
also allows you to specify different indentation level for each type of
code block (markup, css, php). Also, Emacs’ built-in function
helps you to set the indentation level for only .php file
without affecting other kinds of file that also use web-mode
Install and Config web-mode for PHP
First, you need to install web-mode
, either using
package.el or cloning it by
yourself. You can also install emmet-mode
for faster markup snippet insertion.
Next, add a function for setting up web-mode for php files
(defun my-setup-php ()
;; enable web mode
;; make these variables local
(make-local-variable 'web-mode-code-indent-offset)
(make-local-variable 'web-mode-markup-indent-offset)
(make-local-variable 'web-mode-css-indent-offset)
;; set indentation, can set different indentation level for different code type
(setq web-mode-code-indent-offset 4)
(setq web-mode-css-indent-offset 2)
(setq web-mode-markup-indent-offset 2))
Next, call that function when open any .php file
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.php$" . my-setup-php))
Syntax Checking for PHP files
For php syntax checking, you need to install php command line tool and an Emacs
package called flycheck
(can be installed through package.el, too). On Linux,
you can easily install it using your system’s package manager. On OSX, the tool
is installed already for you (Apple did that) or you can install it manually
(for newer version) using Macports. Make sure that php
command line executable
is inside you Emacs
load path (or install exec-path-from-shell
package to import the PATH from
your shell automatically).
Flycheck already includes config for checking PHP syntax using php command line. However, the checker is limited for using with php-mode and php+mode only. To use it with web-mode, you need to re-define it by yourself
(flycheck-define-checker my-php
"A PHP syntax checker using the PHP command line interpreter.
See URL `http://php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.php'."
:command ("php" "-l" "-d" "error_reporting=E_ALL" "-d" "display_errors=1"
"-d" "log_errors=0" source)
((error line-start (or "Parse" "Fatal" "syntax") " error" (any ":" ",") " "
(message) " in " (file-name) " on line " line line-end))
:modes (php-mode php+-mode web-mode))
This is just the code that I copy from flycheck source code. The only change
that I made is to add web-mode
to the allow modes list (the last line).
Next, come back to the my-setup-php
function that we have defined before. Add
these two lines to the end of the function body to activate the new checker
automatically for all .php files
(flycheck-select-checker 'my-php)
(flycheck-mode t))
Auto completion and Snippets
In newer version of web-mode, even if you explicitly activate
Auto Complete, you still
cannot get auto complete to work. The reason is the new version of web-mode has
added context-aware auto-completion feature and you need to activate it
manually. Put something like this into your web-mode-hook
or to the
function that we have written before
(setq web-mode-ac-sources-alist
'(("css" . (ac-source-words-in-buffer ac-source-css-property))
("html" . (ac-source-words-in-buffer ac-source-abbrev))
("php" . (ac-source-words-in-buffer
You can read more about context-aware auto-complete in web-mode on its home page.