By default, Sequelize (an ORM system for NodeJS) only allows you to specify custom table name. Currently, there is no such feature in Sequelize to help you define custom column names and then map them to properties in model objects. To achieve this, you may need a workaround that is to use getter and setter methods provided by Sequelize. When you creating the model, set the property names to the same with the corresponding column name in database first. After that, define the setter and getter functions to map those column to the desired properties name that you want. This example transforms model properties name from snake_case (SQL style) to camelCase (JS style).

var model =
	sequelize.define('People', { 
    name: Sequelize.INTEGER,
    birth_date: Sequelize.DATE, // should be the same with
    death_date: Sequelize.DATE  // column name in database
  }, {
    // getters and setters
    getterMethods: {
      birthDate: function(){return this.getDataValue("birth_date");},
      deathDate: function(){return this.getDataValue("death_date");}
    setterMethods: {
      birthDate: function(v){this.setDataValue("birth_date", v);},
      deathDate: function(v){this.setDataValue("death_date", v);}
    timestamps: false,
    tableName: "people"

Later, when you want to create a new instance, you can use the birthDate instead of birth_date.

// build the instance and set the properties
var person ={
  name: "Some name",
  birthDate: new Date(),
  deathDate: new Date()

// retrieve the data
person.birthDate; // returns birth_date of person
person.deathDate; // returns death_date of person

As you can see, this solution still has one drawback, that is the the two properties exists at the same time inside the People model. But at least, this works! Let’s wait for Sequelize to add this functionality in the future.