Installation & Configuration
There are several ways to install PostgreSQL on Mac OS. Take a look at this page Mac OS X packages choose one method that best suits for you. In this post I will use the Graphic installer as the demo but you can also use other way, there will be not many differences.
After you have downloaded and installed PostgreSQL using the graphic installer, there will be a new account named postgres and the server will automatically start. Now you need to add the postgres executable files into your shell’s PATH. Luckily, the graphic installer has generated the configuration for you already. Just add this line to the end of your shell rc file (.bashrc, .zshrc)
source /Library/PostgreSQL/9.3/
Restart your shell and now those postgres binary files (postgres, pg_ctl, psql,… ) is ready for use. But there is still one problem, it is the postgres user in your system. You need to update its password so later you can log into that account. Open System Preferences > Users & Groups and then choose Reset Password of the postgres account.
To start the server, use this command and then input the password of the postgres account.
$ su postgres -c "pg_ctl start"
server starting
2014-02-26 10:09:20 ICT LOG: redirecting log output to logging collector process
2014-02-26 10:09:20 ICT HINT: Future log output will appear in directory "pg_log".
To stop the server
$ su postgres -c "pg_ctl stop"
Sometimes, the server fails to shutdown. To immediately disconnects sessions rather than waiting for session-initiated disconnection, use this one
$ su postgres -c "pg_ctl stop -m fast"
To restart the server
$ su postgres -c "pg_ctl restart"
You may notice that after installing PostgreSQL, there will be an extra user account created and it appears on the log-on screen every time you start your computer. To hide this user, you need to change its UID to a number less than 500 and turn on the option to hide all accounts with UID less than 500.
Firstly, select a UID (<500) you want to assign for this account. Use this command to determine if the uid is already in use
$ dscacheutil -q user | grep "uid: 235"
uid: 235
uid: 235
$ dscacheutil -q user | grep "uid: 400"
In the example above, there is no account associated with uid 400 so I will choose this. Next, execute this command to find the uid of postgres account.
$ dscl . -read /Users/postgres UniqueID
UniqueID: 502
Continue to run this command to change the UID from 502 to 400
$ sudo dscl . -change /Users/postgres UniqueID 502 400
Finally, this command helps you to hide all users with uid less than 500
$ sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ Hide500Users -bool YES