The built-in js-mode in Emacs does not provide many features for working with js framework beside js editing and syntax highlighting. The tips in this post will help you transform your Emacs into a powerful Javascript IDE.
Associate files with js mode
By default, open a file with .js extension will automatically activate js-mode. For some other file types, if you want to link them to js-mode, add this to your .emacs
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.json$" . js-mode))
js2-mode - A better js mode for Emacs
js2-mode by SteveYegge is arguably the best JavaScript mode available for emacs. It has very accurate syntax highlighting, supports newer JavaScript extensions implemented in SpiderMonkey, and highlights syntax errors as you type.
The easiest way to install js2-mode
is via package.el
(Emacs Package Manager). Also,
you need to install ac-js2
for using js2-mode with auto-complete suggestion. Once
installed, add this to your .emacs to activate js2 and its auto-complete.
(add-hook 'js-mode-hook 'js2-minor-mode)
(add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'ac-js2-mode)
js2-mode comes with some useful utility functions for working with js files more
efficiently. For example, ac-js2-jump-to-definition
quickly jumps to the
definition of one variable/function that is defined in the same file,
selects the current function,… You can use the command
to list all js2 commands.
js2-mode provides 4 level of syntax highlighting. They are
- 0 or a negative value means none.
- 1 adds basic syntax highlighting.
- 2 adds highlighting of some Ecma built-in properties.
- 3 adds highlighting of many Ecma built-in functions.
To set the amount of syntax highlighting to perform, change the value of the variable to the level that you want
(setq js2-highlight-level 3)
Auto completion
autocomplete and yasnippet are two powerful tools for code suggestion and
completion in Emacs. autocomplete will scan for all words in the current
buffer as well as other opening buffers and in the history to complete the word
as you’re typing. yasnippet provides the ability to quickly insert
repetitive snippets such as for
, while
, if
Take a look at this link to know how to install, config autocomplete and yasnippet in Emacs Config Yasnippet and Autocomplete on Emacs
For more complex suggestion like completion from other files, completion using Nodejs modules, requirejs modules,… see the Javascript Refactoring section below.
If you are working with Facebook React, you can install react-snippets from MELPA. It is a collection of common snippets for React.
Using paredit with javascript
Paredit is a minor mode for keeping parenthese balanced. It is extremely useful for working with lisp-based programming languages. Also, it is activated automatically when you open any lisp-based languages file. Usually in other languages, we have to work with parentheses, too. For example the { and } for code block, [ and ] for array…
This post describes how you can activate paredit for non-lisp mode Emacs - Using paredit with non lisp mode.
You may also want to set {
and }
to the corresponding paredit functions
(define-key js-mode-map "{" 'paredit-open-curly)
(define-key js-mode-map "}" 'paredit-close-curly-and-newline)
JSHint - Detect errors and potential problems in your js code
JSHint is a community-driven tool to detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript code and to enforce your team’s coding conventions. It is very flexible so you can easily adjust it to your particular coding guidelines and the environment you expect your code to execute in.
You can read more information at js-hint homepage. I have another post about setting up and integrating it into Emacs here Emacs - Setup JSHint for on-the-fly (potential) errors checking.
Emacs for JSX coding
JSX is also a perfect development environment for JSX code. The instruction are presented all in this post Emacs - Setup JSX mode, JSX Syntax checking and Suggestion
Mozrepl - Program Mozilla-based applications from the inside
Mozrepl is an extension for Mozilla-based applications that helps you to connect to a running instance of Firefox/Conkeror/Thunderbird/…, execute code directly and see the result immediately without having to restart it.
There is also another post that I have written before that demonstrates how to set up Mozrepl in Conkeror and integrate with Emacs here Mozrepl in combination with Emacs for developing Conkeror. For Firefox/Thunderbird, you only need to install that extension and follow the instruction in the Emacs integration section in that post.
Beautify code
web-beautify is an Emacs interface for js-beautify, an utility for formatting and indenting Javascript, CSS and HTML file. To use it, you need js-beautify installed in the background
$ npm install -g js-beautify
After that, you can use Emacs
package.el to install
web-beautify. Now, everything is config automatically already for you. Just
open any js, json, css or html file and activate one of these commands
, web-beautify-css
or web-beautify-html
. For more complex
beautify settings, visit the
web-beautify homepage for more
Javascript Refactoring
The Refactoring part is now moved to a separate posts with more tools introduced. You can access that post at Emacs - Javascript Completion and Refactoring